Vorbirea indirectă în engleză. Cum folosim reported speech

El a zis că tu ai zis că eu am zis că am aruncat plăcinta dăruită de mama lui. Foarte pe scurt, aceasta este vorbirea indirectă în română. În engleză, nu scăpăm așa de ușor și cu atât de puține resurse de partea gramaticală (după cum îți aminteștii probabil de la școală sau de la cursurile absolvite). În limba engleză, fiecare verb și adverb de timp se transformă în vorbirea indirectă, urmând un fir logic al cronologiei pe care noi, românii… l-am tăiat. Ca să nu ne încurcăm în el când avem de relatat repede o picanterie de prin vecini :).

Ce este vorbirea indirectă sau reported speech

Vorbirea indirectă, așadar, este atunci când relatezi un dialog, transformându-l în narațiune. Această relatare va modifica, în multe cazuri, după cum vom vedea mai jos, atât ordinea cuvintelor, cât și timpurile gramaticale folosite sau adverbele de timp.

Tocmai din pricina acestor modificări de natură gramaticală, reported speech sau vorbirea indirectă reprezintă unul dintre capitolele delicate ale limbii engleze și omniprezente la orice test sau examen de engleză care se respectă, nivel B2 sau superior, prin intermediul exercițiilor sau al reformulărilor și poate face, ca atare, diferența între o notă medie și una mare.

Exemple de vorbire directă / indirectă

“What did you do yesterday?” he asked.

“Well, I went shopping and bought a new pair of jeans.”, I answered.

“Where did you get them?”

“I found these lovely pink jeans at the new mall!”, I proudly replied.

Acesta este un dialog simplu, unde e folosită vorbirea directă. Transformat în vorbire indirectă sau reported speech, el va arăta așa:

He asked me what I had done the day before.I answered that I had gone shopping and I had bought a new pair of jeans. Then he asked where I had bought them. I proudly replied that I had found those lovely pink jeans at the new mall.

Un alt exemplu:

Vorbire directă: What are you going to wear tonight? Mom asked me.

Vorbire indirectă: Mom asked me what I was going to wear that night.

Vorbire directă: What is the weather going to be like today? my son asks me every morning.

Vorbire indirectă: Every morning, my son asks me what the weather is going to be like.

un barbat si o femeie pe fundal portocaliu tin in mana bule de vorbire din carton colorat

Transformarea vorbirii directe în vorbire indirectă are loc atunci când transformi un dialog în text.

Trecerea de la vorbirea directă la cea indirectă

Transformările care au loc atunci când transpunem un dialog în vorbirea indirectă țin de timpul verbal folosit pentru a relata (la ce timp este reporting verb) – mai exact, depinde dacă spunem: El a zis / a întrebat (sau zicea, zisese, sau orice alt timp trecut) sau el spune / întreabă în fiecare zi, deci prezentul.

Dacă reporting verb, deci verbul folosit pentru a transforma dialogul în narațiune, este la prezent, timpurile verbale nu se schimbă, însă se modifică ordinea cuvintelor în propoziție. Dacă în întrebările directe ordinea cuvintelor este: auxiliar / subiect / verb și apoi restul propoziției sau verb / subiect restul propoziției (la verbul to be și verbele modale), în vorbirea indirectă ordinea e cea specifică unei propoziții afirmative: subiect și apoi verb:

Do you write essays every day?

He frequently asks me if I write essays every day.

May I go to the bathroom?

Every time we have class, he asks me if he may go to the bathroom.

Dacă, însă, reporting verb este la un timp trecut, toate timpurile din dialogul ce devine text fac un pas în spate, mai exact trec la varianta lor din trecut. Iată cum:

Prezentul simplu devine trecut simplu:

I am sorry. – He said he was sorry.

We live in London. They said they lived in London.

Prezentul continuu devine trecut continuu:

He is sleeping at the moment. – She said he was sleeping in that moment.

Trecutul simplu devine mai mult ca perfect:

The dog went out in the street. – She complained that her dog had gone in the street.

Trecutul continuu devine mai mult ca perfect, aspect continuu (past perfect continuous):

We were sleeping when you came in. – They said they had been sleeping when I came in.

Prezentul perfect devine mai mult ca perfect, fie el simplu sau continuu:

I have never seen a flying camel. – He said he had never seen a flying camel.

I have eating a lot of junk food lately – He confessed that he had been eating a lot of junk food.

Mai mult ca perfect  rămâne la fel:

I had washed the dishes when mom entered. – She said she had washed the dishes when mom entered.

Viitorul cu will se transformă în would:

This baby will become a great scientist. – She said that the baby would become a great scientist.

Am going to se transformă în was going to:

I am going to watch a movie tonight. – I said i was going to watch a movie that night.

Verbele modale: CAN se transformă în COULD, COULD rămâne la fel, MAY se transformă în MIGHT (MIGHT rămâne la fel, ca și SHOULD, OUGHT TO), HAVE TO și MUST se transformă în HAD TO:

I must go. – He told me he had to go.

I can’t open the door. – He complained he couldn’t open the door.

Adverbele de timp se transformă astfel: today devine, that day, yesterday – the day before, tomorrow – the day after, now devine then, last week – the week before, two days ago – two days before.

Adjectivele pronominale se transformă și ele: this devine that, these devine those.

Tabel cu transformarile verbale care au loc la trecerea din vorbirea directa in vorbirea indirecta in engleza.

Transformările pe care le suferă timpurile verbale atunci când trecem un dialog în vorbire indirectă în engleză.

Verbe folosite în vorbirea indirectă

Menționam mai devreme acele Reporting verbs, care se folosesc pentru a relata replicile dialogului. Iată o listă mai largă, astfel încât să nu repeți cuvintele, în cazul în care trebuie să povestești ceva folosind vorbirea indirectă:

Verbs of Saying

  • say (He said that…)
  • tell (She told me that…)
  • ask (They asked if…)
  • explain (He explained that…)
  • mention (She mentioned that…)
  • reply (He replied that…)
  • answer (She answered that…)

Verbs of Thinking or Believing

  • think (He thought that…)
  • believe (She believed that…)
  • assume (He assumed that…)
  • suppose (They supposed that…)
  • imagine (She imagined that…)
  • consider (He considered that…)

Verbs of Suggesting

  • suggest (He suggested that…)
  • propose (She proposed that…)
  • recommend (They recommended that…)
  • advise (He advised that…)
  • encourage (She encouraged them to…)

Verbs of Agreeing or Disagreeing

  • agree (They agreed that…)
  • disagree (She disagreed with…)
  • admit (He admitted that…)
  • deny (She denied that…)

Verbs of Promising or Offering

  • promise (She promised that…)
  • offer (He offered to…)
  • swear (They swore that…)
  • guarantee (He guaranteed that…)

Verbs of Declaring or Stating

  • declare (They declared that…)
  • state (She stated that…)
  • announce (He announced that…)
  • affirm (She affirmed that…)

Verbs of Accusing or Blaming

  • accuse (They accused him of…)
  • blame (He blamed her for…)
  • allege (She alleged that…)

Verbs of Requesting

  • request (He requested that…)
  • beg (She begged him to…)
  • plead (They pleaded for…)

Verbs of Warning or Advising

  • warn (He warned them that…)
  • caution (She cautioned him to…)
  • remind (They reminded me that…)

Verbs of Emphasizing

  • emphasize (She emphasized that…)
  • insist (He insisted that…)
  • stress (They stressed that…)

Verbs of Expressing

  • express (She expressed that…)
  • complain (He complained that…)
  • confess (They confessed that…)

Exerciții cu vorbirea indirectă

 Exercițiu nivel B1 – Intermediar: Rephrase the sentences using reported speech. Use say or tell only.

  1. „I am going to the gym now,” Sarah said.
    ➡ Sarah _______________ to the gym.
  2. „We will finish the project tomorrow,” they told me.
    ➡ They _______________ the project the next day.
  3. „I can’t come to the party,” Mark said.
    ➡ Mark _______________ to the party.
  4. „You should study more for the test,” the teacher told us.
    ➡ The teacher _______________ more for the test.
  5. „I have never been to New York,” she said.
    ➡ She _______________ to New York.
  6. „We are watching a movie tonight,” they said.
    ➡ They _______________ a movie that night.
  7. „I must leave early,” John told her.
    ➡ John _______________ early.
  8. „I didn’t eat breakfast this morning,” he said.
    ➡ He _______________ breakfast that morning.
  9. „You will have to wait for the bus,” she told me.
    ➡ She _______________ to wait for the bus.
  10. „I can help you with your bags,” Tom said.
    ➡ Tom _______________ me with my bags.
fisa cu un exercitiu cu vorbirea indirecta nivel B2

Exercițiu care testează Reported Speech nivel B2 – Upper Intermediate.

Fisa cu raspunsuri la exercitiul FollowMe cu vorbirea indirecta, nivel B2

Răspunsuri la exercițiul cu vorbirea indirectă nivel B2.

Exercițiu nivel B2 (Intermediar-avansat): Rephrase the sentences into reported speech.

  1. „I will help you with your homework,” said John. (promise)
    ➡ John _______________ me with my homework.
  2. „We are meeting at 8 PM,” she said. (say)
    ➡ She _______________ at 8 PM.
  3. „You should take a break,” he told me. (advise)
    ➡ He _______________ a break.
  4. „I didn’t steal the money,” the man said. (deny)
    ➡ The man _______________ the money.
  5. „Can you bring me a glass of water?” she asked. (ask)
    ➡ She _______________ a glass of water.
  6. „I’m sorry I broke your phone,” Peter said. (apologize)
    ➡ Peter _______________ my phone.
  7. „Don’t forget to call me when you arrive,” she said. (remind)
    ➡ She _______________ when I arrived.
  8. „We have never been to Paris,” they said. (mention)
    ➡ They _______________ to Paris.
  9. „I’ll call you tomorrow,” he told her. (promise)
    ➡ He _______________ the next day.
  10. „You must finish the report by Friday,” the boss said. (insist)
    ➡ The boss _______________ the report by Friday.
Fisa cu un exercitiu cu vorbirea indirecta in engleza

Exercițiu de nivel avansat la limba engleză cu Reported speech.

Raspunsurile la exercitiul FollowMe cu vorbirea indirecta nivel C1

Răspunsurile pentru exercițiul de nivel avansat legat de vorbirea indirectă în limba engleză.

Exercițiu nivel C1 (Avansat): Rephrase the following sentences into reported speech.

  1. „If I had known about the meeting, I would have attended,” she said.
    ➡ She said that if she _______________ about the meeting, she _______________.
  2. „You might want to reconsider your decision,” he told her.
    ➡ He suggested that she _______________ her decision.
  3. „I will have completed the report by the end of the week,” Mark said.
    ➡ Mark said that he _______________ the report by the end of the week.
  4. „Had I known the traffic was so bad, I would have left earlier,” he said.
    ➡ He said that if he _______________ the traffic was so bad, he _______________ earlier.
  5. „We should have hired more staff before the busy season,” the manager admitted.
    ➡ The manager admitted that they _______________ more staff before the busy season.
  6. „By the time you arrive, I will have finished the presentation,” she told me.
    ➡ She told me that by the time I _______________, she _______________ the presentation.
  7. „I may have forgotten to send the email,” John said.
    ➡ John admitted that he _______________ to send the email.
  8. „You mustn’t mention this to anyone,” they warned us.
    ➡ They warned us that we _______________ this to anyone.
  9. „I wish I hadn’t spent so much money on that trip,” she said.
    ➡ She said she _______________ so much money on that trip.
  10. „If I hadn’t taken that job, I would have gone travelling,” he told me.
    ➡ He told me that if he _______________ that job, he _______________ travelling.


Ca și în alte cazuri, sfatul nostru, dacă vorbirea indirectă în engleză îți pare un subiect complicat, este: Practice makes perfect. Exersează!


Sursa foto: Freepik, FollowMe