Un joc simpatic și scurt, dar cu multiple beneficii (dezvoltare cognitivă, lingvistică), pe care îl poți juca alături de copilul tău și restul familiei e cel al întrebărilor de logică. Ghicitorile sau problemele logice în engleză reprezintă o provocare ce vă va face să gândiți mai profund, să zâmbiți și vor veni în completarea noțiunilor învățate de cei mici la cursuri într-un mod practic și interactiv.
ToggleAm renunțat la memorare în grădinițe și școli, la un moment dat, în favoarea dezvoltării gândirii logice. Totuși, logica se mai lasă așteptată :), așa că ne rămâne nouă, părinților, să o stimulăm și acasă pentru a crește copii isteți și spontani.
Întrebările de logică nu doar că ascut mintea în sensul matematic, dar promovează ceva foarte util viitorilor cetățeni ai planetei de la jumătatea secolului XXI: atenția la detalii, capacitatea de a analiza critic și pe toate părțile limbajul și de a depista erorile de logică, informațiile lipsă (intenționat omise în atâtea și atâtea reclame, materiale media sau chiar contracte) sau informațiile irelevante. Pentru că principala dificultate pe care o pun nu sunt calculele dificile, ci descifrarea și analiza completă a cerinței, integrarea tuturor informațiilor date în mod corect pentru depistarea soluției. Așa că iată ce câștigă un copil expus frecvent la probleme de logică:
Preșcolarilor le place să se joace cu ghicitori (iar întrebările de logică, la această vârstă, iau fix această formă). Vei vedea că dacă îți expui copilul la astfel de joc, va începe și el curând să formuleze ghicitori pentru tine, lucru care îl ajută și la dezvoltarea limbajului și va reprezenta o inițiere în științele naturale (singur se va strădui să descopere însușiri, să clasifice, să observe obiectele și ființele). Cât despre capitolul logică, acesta va avea cel mai mult de câștigat:
I am hard like stone, but I grow on your body. What am I?
There are 2 candies, 1 ice cream and 3 pears on a plate. How many fruits are there?
There are 4 cars in a garage. They’re red and blue. There are more red cars than blue ones. How many red cars are there?
I have a little house in which I live all alone. It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall. What am I?
A rat takes an hour and a half to crawl clockwise around a certain maze. When he crawls anti-clockwise around that same maze, it takes him only ninety minutes. Why is this difference?
Ann writes stories for children. She writes 10 hours a day for 3 straight consecutive days and then rests on the following day. During one particular week, she wrote on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Did she write on her blog the Wednesday of this same week?
A cowboy rode into town on Friday. He stayed in town for three days and rode out on Friday. How was that possible?
How can a man go 8 days without sleep?
Which is heavier, a kg of bricks or a kg of feathers?
It follows you and copies your every move. But you can’t touch it or catch it. What is it?
Answers: the tooth. 3 (the pears). 3 red cars. A chick in an egg. There is no difference. No. The name of his horse was Friday. He only sleeps at night. They are the same. Your shadow.
Întrebările și problemele de logică ajută la dezvoltarea cognitivă a copiilor, dar și a adulților.
Elevii claselor I-IV se află în plină dezvoltare cognitivă și au deja noțiuni matematice legate de serii logice, modele, metode de rezolvare a anumitor tipuri de probleme. E important ca ei să își dezvolte logica și în afara acestor șabloane:
Which number comes next? 31, 28, 25, …
Some months have 30 days while others have 31 days. How many of them have 28 days?
You are my son but I am not your father. Who said this?
A man lives in a house where all the walls are faced towards the south. A bear passes next to the house. What colour is the bear?
There are 10 white and 10 black socks in a bag. What is the smallest number of socks that need to be taken out of the bag without looking at them to be sure that you have a pair of black socks?
A horse has a 5 meter rope tied around his neck. The hay stable is situated 10 meters from the horse, yet the horse can still reach the stable. How?
If a boy and a half eat a sandwich and a half in 1 and a half minutes, how long will it take six boys to eat six sandwiches?
Beth’s mother has three daughters. One is called Lara, the other one is Sara. What is the name of the third daughter?
You are competing in running and in one moment you overtake the runner in third position. On what position are you now?
Two sons and two fathers are going fishing, but actually there are only three of them. How come?
Answers: 22. 1 – February. The mother. White. If all the walls are faced towards the south, then the house is located on the Northern Pole and Northern Polar bears live there. 11. The other end of the rope isn’t tied to anything. 1 minute. Beth. Third position. Three of them: grandfather, father and son.
Performanțele la matematică și la științele exacte pot fi augmentate cu ajutorul jocurilor și întrebărilor constante de logică.
Adolescenților le trebuie enunțuri mai incitante, mai lungi și care solicită mai mult gândirea. Întrebările de logică sunt o bună pregătire pentru testele de inteligență sau pentru tinerii ce vor să urmeze o carieră juridică, ce le va cere interpretarea în felurite moduri a limbajului.
Which stones cannot be found in a river?
My first letter is in chocolate, but not in ham. My second one is in cake and also in jam. My third at tea-time is easily found. And I am your furry friend who’s often around. Who am I?
Three tortoises are crawling. The first tortoise says: two tortoises are crawling after me. The second tortoise says: one tortoise crawls after me and another one in front of me. And the third tortoise says: two tortoises are crawling in front of me, and another one behind me. How can this be?
The farm had two horses, one rabbit, one puppy, one cat, a pig, and a piglet, a cow and a calf, a turkey, and a goose. The owner came there with the dog. How many feet are there on the farm?
You are on a plane. A horse is in front of you, and a car is behind you. Where are you?
What belongs to you, though others use it more often than you do?
An insurance salesman walks up to a house and knocks on the door. A woman answers, and he asks her how many children she has and how old they are. She says I will give you a hint. If you multiply the 3 children’s ages, you get 36. He says this is not enough information. So she gives a him 2nd hint. If you add up the children’s ages, the sum is the number on the house next door. He goes next door and looks at the house number (13) and says this is still not enough information. So she says she’ll give him one last hint which is that her oldest of the 3 plays piano. Why would he need to go back to get the last hint after seeing the number on the house next door?
You’re rummaging around your great grandmother’s attic when you find five short chains each made of four gold links. It occurs to you that if you combined them all into one big loop of 20 links, you’d have an incredible necklace. So you bring it into a jeweler, who tells you the cost of making the necklace will be $10 for each gold link that she has to break and then reseal.
When my father was 31 I was 8. Now he is twice as old as me. How old am I?
There are two ducks in front of a duck, two ducks behind a duck and a duck in the middle. How many ducks are there?
Answers: Dry stones. A cat. The tortoises are crawling in circles. 24 feet. Why so? Because only humans, horses, pigs, and cows have feet, while other animals at the farm have paws. You are riding a merry-go-round. Your name.
After the first hint, there are several different options. When he realizes the sum is 13, the answer is one of two possibilities. The third hint indicates there is an “oldest” daughter. Since one of the two options includes older twins (1 + 6 + 6 = 13) and the other includes young twins (2 + 2 + 9 = 13), the daughters must be 2, 2, and 9.
40 dollars. 23. 3
Întrebările de logică ce stârnesc râsul în limba engleză sunt adesea bazate pe jocuri de limbaj neașteptate – pentru ele e nevoie de un nivel bun de cunoaștere a limbii, care poate fi atins dacă trăiești într-un mediu unde se vorbește engleza, dacă participi la cursuri sau dacă ai vizionat foarte multe filme, seriale concomitent cu folosirea altor metode de a învăța această limbă.
Why did the fly never land on the computer?
Answer: He was afraid of the world wide web.
What kind of murderer is full of fiber?
Answer: A cereal killer.
What kind of running leads to walking?
Answer: Running out of gas!
A farmer has twenty sheep, ten pigs, and ten cows. If we call the pigs cows, how many cows will he have?
Answer: Ten cows. We can call the pigs cows, but it doesn’t make them cows.
In the USA, Mr. Blue lives in the blue house. Mr. Yellow lives in the yellow house. Mr. Black lives in the black house. Who lives in the white house?
Answer: The president!
Two men are in a desert. They both have backpacks on. One of the guys is dead. The guy who is alive has his backpack open and the guy who is dead has his backpack closed. What is in the dead man’s backpack?
Answer: A parachute.
A man drove from New York City to Los Angeles in four days. At the end of his trip, he discovered that one of his tires had been punctured. How was he able to make the drive?
Answer: It was his spare tire.
What fruit can you never cheer up?
Answer: A blueberry.
How many eggs can be eaten on an empty stomach?
Answer: Just one, because after that your stomach is no longer empty
Tom was on the way to the park. He met a man with seven wives and each of them came with seven sacks. All these sacks contain seven cats and each of these seven cats had seven kittens. So in total, how many were going to the park?
Answer: 1. Only Tom was going to the park.
Întrebările de logică pot fi utile atunci când aștepți la dentist, la aeroport sau când faci drumuri lungi cu mașina (alături de alte jocuri care au scopul de a distra întreaga familie în mașină). Poți să lansezi o provocare familiei într-o după-amiază ploioasă acasă sau la siesta de după prânz, atunci când copiii se foiesc și nu vor să adoarmă. Așa că vă urăm spor la dezlegat ghicitori și liber la zâmbete!
Sursa foto: Freepik
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