Dacă ai un copil emotiv sau sensibil, care tocmai s-a mutat la o școală nouă sau are dificultăți în a se integra, sau pur și simplu empatizezi cu zilele mai puțin vesele pe care orice elev le are uneori la școală, poveștile acestea scrise de alți copii în engleză sunt pentru tine! Încărcate de emoție și sentiment, ingenioase, poveștile oferă soluții diverse pentru emotivitatea naturală a copiilor sau pentru actele de BULLYING. Și poți simți inimioarele deschise ale copiilor care le-au scris!
Cele patru povești scrise în limba engleză de către copii sub 16 ani ne-au fost trimise ca parte a secțiunii de Povești de la Concursul online organizat de FollowMe în 2023 și au avut, toate, ca temă “The youngest, smallest kid in school”. A fost atât de greu să alegem o singură poveste câștigătoare! Pentru că toate meritau locul I – și mai ales, toate merită citite și share-uite.
Ne-a lăsat fără cuvinte. Merită cu prisosință să vină momentul ei de glorie.
A black cat wraps its soft, lightweight tail around your leg, twisting its body around in order to surround all of you. You arrived earlier than usual today, thus getting the chance to pet the kitten alone, in peace. You lean down and stroke the feline’s body with great care and love. The school stands tall behind your small frame, waiting for all kids to appear before opening its doors. The bright walls seem more welcoming now, with its huge windows upon the white, freshly painted color. More and more children enter its precinct. You see a few boys from your classroom pass the school’s gates. Though they’re dressed slovenly, they exhibit confidence with their uniforms; Or better said: they’re as arrogant as always.
One of the boys leaves the group and steps towards you, his hands in his pockets, only the thumbs sticking out. He looks you up and down in a disgraceful manner and notices the black kitten at your feet. “So this is why you’re smaller than a sapling?” He humphs, looking at the cat. “Is this your dear jinx or were you just born unlucky?” You don’t respond, as your mother taught you, yet the guy continues throwing insults your way. You ignore him, even though more boys from his initial group are tagging along, and keep your posture straight, unwilling to surrender to some bullies. You believe in yourself, in your capability to overcome any situation such as this one. Therefore, you win.
Viața de adolescent, cu nevoile sale de recunoaștere, de validare, de a fi văzut și apreciat e descrisă minunat de către Maria Preda în povestea ei.
The school’s doors open, allowing the sea of kids to enter, thus colliding with one another in search of each of their classrooms. You walk in leisurely, after the boys leave you alone. Unlike the other children, you find your way through the crowded space without pushing anyone and reach your destination in less than a minute. In front of your eyes rests a wooden door and you wonder, your face beaming with excitement, what discoveries await you past it. You open the door and see your educator sitting at his desk which remains full of unsolved paperwork, different pencils and his usual cup of coffee. He looks at you, his almond shaped eyes curving along with his sweet smile, filling the classroom with a beautiful spirit of joy and gratitude. You take your seat and wait for the lesson of the day to begin.
The educator rises from his chair and claps his hands a few times in order to capture the attention of all children present. Some continue to whisper, others roll their eyes and prop their head between their palms, but all of them try to keep silent when he speaks: “Before we set about discovering the intriguing myths and legends of Greek mythology and find out more about the twelve Olympians, I’d like to address an issue…” He says, his stiff expression suddenly becoming soft. His eyes light up. “We have a little legend, a warrior, right here and now with us!” He extends his arm in your direction and opens his hand to reveal hope. His palm holds your dream- the everlasting wish of growing. You hurry in front of the classroom, all eyes on you, and take his hand in your own. The warmth of it helps ease your fears or doubts. “As you all know already, Sophia joined us a little later. This isn’t a problem though.” The educator utters. “She is an extraordinary girl and yesterday’s results prove that appearances can be deceiving. She may hold the title of the youngest kid in our school, but this didn’t stop her from gaining more.” He turns his head to look at you. “Sophia, why don’t you tell your classmates what success you’ve had yesterday?”
You don’t panic or overthink his question. Your satisfaction is enough to surpass any anxieties. “Of course.” You talk about the contest you won by scoring the maximum amount of points. You speak with modesty about the prize for your achievement: a golden trophy resembling an atom; an award which shows your respect for science, especially chemistry. Your gratitude shows as you speak of your parents who supported you throughout the contest and you also thank the educator for the trust he placed in you. Our classmates are amazed; no boy is whispering a sharp comment when all the kids start congratulating you. Yet our educator forgets to mention the contest I went to yesterday. I’m guessing history wasn’t his favorite subject. Then here I remain, unpraised and rusty as my bronze trophies. Nameless, I know, for long I will be. Here I am, dimmed by you, waiting for my moment of glory.
Povestea Mariei Alexandra Teodorescu descrie un băiat care are dificultăți în a se adapta la o școală nouă – așa că găsește o soluție neobișnuită.
Emoționantă, scrisă cu mult sentiment și speranță și atunci când e privită cu ochi de adult, atât de înduioșătoare.
One spring, a boy named David and his family moved to Bucharest. They had a new home, but David wasn’t happy. He went to a new school, where he didn’t know anybody, so most of the time David felt lonely. He tried making new friends.
“Do you want to be my friend?” he asked his classmates, but no one wanted to be friends with him. He felt very sad. So one day, after he came home from school, David started thinking about a way to find a new friend.
David thought about a little boy like him, who was lonely and shy. He was David’s imaginary friend, named Hugo. David found out that he didn’t like Math at all! He loved science and Biology instead.
When the PE class started, Hugo stayed on the bench and watched how David played volleyball with his classmates. During the lunch break, David and Hugo played hide-and-seek together – Hugo could hide in small places, where david couldn’t find him, but it was fun. Playing hide-and-seek was also a bad idea. Hugo almost got caught by a pigeon that flew above him and thought he was a snack. Luckily the pigeon was distracted by a butterfly and left Hugo alone.
After that, the French class started. David was quite good at speaking French, but Hugo pronounced the words very strange.
After school, David and Hugo ate some tomato soup made by David’s mum. Hugo really liked it, but it was hard to eat with a spoon that was twice as big as him.
While David was doing his homework, Hugo ate all the sugar cubes that David’s mum puts in the tea every afternoon. He really liked them, but he didn’t tell David about it.
Then, David took his sister’s dolls and Hugo tried on some of their clothes. They found some clothes that looked similar to David’s school uniform. When Hugo wore it, David said>
“Now you are the youngest, smallest kid in school!”
They both laughed. It was fun to have the youngest, smallest kid in school as your best friend. David and Hugo became best friends and david wasn’t lonely anymore. He had someone he could talk to or play games with, especially video games. He was happy and very thankful to his friend, Hugo.
Prietenia sinceră dintre copiii cu aceleași interese învinge tot.
Un how-to echilibrat și sănătos, o încurajare că întotdeauna se va găsi omul potrivit, pentru copiii care își doresc prieteni
Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Lily. She was quite different from the other kids her age. When her siblings played, she would read. When it was time to go on a trip, she would choose to visit the museum instead of doing what her classmates considered to be fun. She had straight A’s and was one of the top students. Lily was what some people would call „a genius kid”.
She was sent to school at the young age of four, due to her kindergarten teachers telling her parents about her unusual behavior. On her seventh birthday, her family decided she was smart enough to pass right into middle school. That’s when she became the youngest, smallest kid there. Even though she was intelligent, she was shy and quiet. Everyone has tried avoiding her ever since she moved into the new school. Some of the kids even bullied her almost every day, and those kids were Maya and Max. They would call Lily names and make fun of her for being “a nerd”. Once, in Science class, they threw her backpack in the trash can. She tried ignoring them, but of course, that didn’t work out.
One day, at lunchtime, a girl from her class noticed that she was eating all alone and decided to go talk to her.
Anne: Hello! I’m Anne! What’s your name?
Lily: I’m Lily.
Anne: Nice to meet you! Can I sit here?
Lily: Sure! I would love to chat with you!
Anne: Do your parents also make you bring packed lunch?
Lily: Yes, but it doesn’t bother me at all. I like the sandwiches my mom makes! What about you?
Anne: I think I’d rather eat the school dinner instead. I heard you like reading. What’s your favorite book?
Lily: I enjoyed reading the book „Harry Potter” a lot. It’s quite interesting!
Anne: Oh! I remember watching the movie. It was pretty cool! Do you want to hang out after school? We can go to the park if you want.
Lily: Really? Of course! I would love to!
She was so happy that she finally made a friend! At the park, they talked more about their hobbies. That was when Lily told her new friend what she struggled with the most: meeting new people. Even though Lily was smart and clever, no one seemed interested in her personality. She couldn’t understand why people didn’t like her until then. She had excellent grades after all! Anne showed her that true friendship means supporting your friend for who they really were. Lilly’s age or performance didn’t matter to her. She liked spending time with her and she would offer her help in any kind of situation because she knew Lily would do the same thing for her.
That way, their other classmates started wanting to get to know Lily more. Even Maya and Max! Ever since the day they met, she has been proud to be known as “the youngest, smallest kid in school”.
Bullying-ul este, din păcate, un fenomen real și prezent în școli.
CastleHigh middle school is located on an ordinary street in London, United Kingdom. I happen to study there, along with many other children. But this is no ordinary school. It’s an art school! Here, we don’t learn as much Maths and English as in other schools, but we draw and paint a lot! There are many teachers who are strict, but they can understand the students very well. The nicest one, in my opinion, is Mrs Ress, the music teacher. She has blonde hair and eyes that look like sapphires. Her voice is like the song of a bird, soothing like a lullaby. Mr Plage, the history teacher, on the other hand, is very strict. He’s not evil, but he’s not very welcoming either. His eyes are thin and gray. He always has black circles under his eyes. That might explain why he always comes to class with a cup of coffee. *
When I arrived at school on the first day of 6th grade, I entered my classroom and went straight to my friend, Jenny. „Hi, Jenny! It’s nice to see you again! By the way, is that a new kid? The short one with the green eyes.” I said to her. „Hey! It’s good to see you, too. Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you. He’s my cousin, Seth. He just moved here from Scotland” she said. A little later, while we were talking, I heard a voice from my classmates. „Why are you so short? Are you even a 6th grader?” laughed Jake, the meanest boy in the class. „I may be small, but I bet I am smarter and braver than you,” Seth said calmly. With that, the bully’s mouth was shut for now.
„Attention, students of CastleHigh! As a new year has begun, I will be assigning you a project to complete by the end of the first semester, which is the 25th of December. This project must be done in teams of 3-4 students. The topic for the 5th and 6th grade is “My Favourite Pet” and for the 7th and 8th grade is “The Universe”. Any type of artistic expression is accepted, regardless of whether it is painting, drawing, collage or clay modeling.. Do not forget that teamwork is dreamwork! Good luck everyone!” said the headmistress, Mrs Grey. Jenny grabbed my hand and walked over to Seth. „Wow! That sounds pretty complicated! Hmm… How about me, you and Anne would paint a cat? That is my favourite pet!” Said Jenny „Mine too! Good idea! Let’s stay in an art room tomorrow after class and start this project! That would be fun!, said I „OK! I can bring the brushes, Anne, you can bring a big canvas and Seth, you can bring the paint.” Said Jenny. And so it stayed. The next day, I came to school very excited. I couldn’t wait to start painting! I rushed to school and went straight to my friends. „I did some research last night and found some really good ideas for what we can paint.” I said happily. „That’s great! I’m excited too.” Said Seth and Jenny smiled.
After 5 school hours that felt like an eternity, the class was over. „Let’s go! We have no time to waste!” I said. And we walked to classroom number 41, which was empty. As Jenny reached for the door handle, we heard something. It was like a squeak. „Maybe it’s just a mouse?” she said, turning the door handle. But now we saw through the glass of the door that something was moving inside. It couldn’t just be just a mouse. „Ah! What was that? That looks like a ghost! I said, startled. „I don’t know and I don’t want to find out! Let’s get out of here!” Said Jenny. „I’ll go in and see what’s going on. You can wait outside if you want,” Seth said fearlessly and opened the door. Me and Jenny couldn’t really see what was going on inside because the door was only slightly open. If something bad happened, we would probably have run away scared.
But inside, Seth saw a pigeon on the windowsill that must have got into the classroom and didn’t know how to get out again. „Poor bird! Don’t worry, I’ll help you.” He said to the bird and walked out of the classroom, to show me and Jenny the pigeon. „Look, it was just a pigeon stuck inside! Nothing to worry about!” He said to us with a gentle smile on his face. „We’re so silly!” I replied laughing. „I have a brilliant idea! How about we paint this pigeon for the project? Maybe that was the reason thw bird scared us in the first place!” Jenny said and winked at me. „Great idea! I love pigeons so it’ll be fun to paint them!” I said. I took a picture of it and we laughed for a long time and felt good while we painted it! From that day on, I admired Seth even more, for his courage and his kind way of behaving. He showed me that you always have to trust yourself, even if there are people who don’t always appreciate you. I’m glad that Seth is my friend!
Dacă ți-au plăcut și vrei să mai citești o selecție de alte 3 povești scrise de copii în limba engleză despre Eroi care au salvat orașul, le găsești aici. Iar în acest articol, alți copii au scris părerea lor despre Eroi – ce sunt ei și dacă, în lumea modernă, mai avem sau nu nevoie de ei (concluzia e că mai avem!).
Ca să creștem copii care scriu așa, ca fetele de mai sus, trebuie multă dedicare: lectură când sunt mici, lectură când sunt mari, timp liber pentru visare, pentru procesarea informațiilor, discuții frumoase și multe. Și școală cu activități care le dau libertate de gândire și de creație, care ies din paradigma învață-redă-copiază-rezolvă. Copiii care au scris poveștile de mai sus au avut spațiu de creștere și de gândire și au fost îndrumați de oameni care le-au respectat strălucirea de mici.
Dacă și tu ai un copil cu imaginație, căruia îi plac cuvintele, să scrie și să citească și iubește limba engleză, prețuiește-l și ajută-l să găsească acele medii unde imaginația lui să fie respectată și înmulțită! Noi îți propunem cursurile de vară de comunicare pentru copii de la FollowMe unde, pe lângă multă conversație (organizată pe teme, dar liberă, nu regizată), jocuri și texte foarte interesante de citit și dezbătut, facem și Writing care susține copiii să se dezvolte armonios, să gândească liber și creativ. Cursurile se desfășoară de luni până joi, două ore zilnic (e ca un club!), pe o perioadă mai lungă sau mai scurtă între 26 iunie și sfârșitul lunii august, în funcție de disponibilitatea fiecărui copil.
Sursa foto: Pexels