Câteva păreri haioase dar sincere ale copiilor în legătură cu examenul Cambridge pe care l-au susținut în această primăvară ne pot încânta ziua:
Am avut o senzație de teamă când am ajuns la hotel și știam că va trebui să dau examenul, dar după ce am văzut subiectele, teama mea a trecut pentru că subiectele au fost foarte ușoare, de asemenea și examinatoarea a fost extrem de drăguță cu mine. Voi reveni și la anul să dau examenul următor și sper să mă descurc la fel de bine ca la examenul Movers Cambridge. A fost o experiență foarte frumoasă.
Covrig Daria J3D Movers
I took the Ket exam. I think it was hard but if you study, it will be easy. The examiners were pretty funny. I loved the hotel! I was very stressed! I was angry and also sad because I know something that I did was a mistake. But I know I can do better . There were many rooms and I loved the fact that you can make new friends. The Speaking part was very easy!
Marinescu Alessia J4 (3-5) Ket
I took the Ket exam and it was pretty easy for me, but I am not sure if I did ok at the Listening part. The examiners were tough on the outside but gentle on the inside. It was a great experience to increase my knowledge! Good luck to any of you who are taking Ket!
Leotescu Maia J4 (3-5) Ket
Când am mers la examenul Cambridge Movers am avut emoții, dar nu a fost așa de înfricoșător pe cât credeam. A doua probă, cea de Writing a fost ușoară dar nu mă așteptam să iau 15 scuturi ( punctajul maxim).
Oprea Alin J3D Movers
The Cambridge Exam was very easy and very funny. At Speaking there was a pretty miss who discussed with me. It was simple. At Reading and Writing I went into a big classroom. All the children and I had to solve some exercises. You must concentrate. Only concentrate. Good luck at the Cambridge Exam!
Dumitrașcu Ioana Elena J3A Movers